If you are in a UNIX environment and need a quick and secure way to copy files I suggest using scp from the command-line. SSH and OpenSSH provide the scp application, which allows you to connect and transfer files on servers running an encrypted FTP service. (ssh daemon). If you are looking for an X windows GUI application, you may want to try out http://gftp.seul.org/.
Here is how scp works:
(Note the use of periods; they are essential!!)
1) To copy a file from hostB to hostA, while logged in to hostB: [user@server ~]$ scp -P port filename username@hostA.com:.
(copies file to user's home dir on hostA machine, because of the period after the colon)
2) To copy a folder from hostB to hostA, while logged in to hostB first cd to the directory on HostB which contains the folder you want to copy: [user@server ~]$ scp -r -P port folder username@hostA.com:. (creates new folder if the folder does not exist, again in user's home directory)
3) To copy a file from hostA to hostB, while logged in to hostB: [user@server ~]$ scp -P port username@hostA.com:filename .
(copies into current directory on hostB)
[user@server ~]$ scp -r -P port username@hostA.com:folder .
(copies whole folder into current directory on hostB)
4) To copy a file or folder within a folder from hostA to hostB, while logged in to hostB: [user@server ~]$ scp -P port username@hostA.com:/folder/dir/filename .
(copies into current directory on hostB)
[user@server ~]$ scp -r -P port username@hostA.com:/folder/dir .
(copies whole folder into current directory on hostB)
5) Instead of using the '.' to designate files to be copied to a home directory or the current working directory you can give scp an actual path (assuming you have write permissions): [user@server ~]$ scp -r -P port folder username@hostA:/home/httpd/
[user@server ~]$ scp -P port username@hostA.com:/folder/dir/filename /home/tmp/
Does your host impose a resource control over ssh?
Just nice any/all of the above statements with a prefix like
[user@server ~]$ nice -n +19
You can change the number 19 to any value below your hosts resource limit.
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